Thursday, May 5, 2011


There are two constants on Bangalore roads, traffic and cows.  There are cows that roam free, grazing at their will.  Some cows are herded; pushed forward by a small lady with a stick.  Some cows wander alone, care free, yet lonely.  Others travel as a group, always watchful of their young.

I rather like the cows.  They offer a humorous contrast to the bustling life of the city.  Everyone tries to get where they’re going as fast they can.  The cow has nowhere to go, and takes its time along the way.

On my way to work in the morning I am guaranteed to see several cows.  While I am waiting to be picked up, once in a while a herd of Indian buffalo will pass by.  I think I like them more than regular cows.  Cows are too neat and cosmetic.  The buffalo looks tough, powerful and confident.  With long horns, a hairy back and bones that bulge out, the buffalo is not to be messed with.

I was stuck in traffic today.  A field of cars five wide and fifty deep were waiting for the signal to go.  I leaned my head out the window, where I was face to face with a large momma cow.  She hardly gave me a second look after we nearly butt heads, while I simply stared.  After her followed three more, and another four on the other side of the truck.  All of the sudden over a dozen cows were weaving in and out of the cars, like the slowest slalom race I had ever seen.  It seemed to go one forever.  Some how their massive bodies squeezed through the spaces between the cars.  Just as they were at the front of the jam, cars started to honk.  The signal had turned yet the cows were in the way.  People honked and yelled, not at the cows, but at their herder; a small woman with a stick, desperately trying to control the movements of 14 cows.

I will never forget the great slalom of the cows.  It was as much amusement as I could ever hope for in a day.  It also managed to bring me a moment of peace in an otherwise un-peaceful world.

Today’s lesson, have a cow man

You’re Welcome,


P.S. Bulls are loud...