Over my past few months here in India I have, on occasion, found myself with a lot of free time on my hands. Be it before or after work, or on the weekends. By looking back at how I spend this free time I have realized something…TV shows are addicting. And I don’t mean watching different shows back to back, I mean blasting through a series one episode after another, for hours straight.
Most people my age will confess that after tuning into a Jersey shore marathon, for “just for a sec,” somehow six hours goes by, it’s two a.m. and your making popcorn ready for more.
This is what I call, a TV show bender. As you can guess, this has happened to me numerous times. Over the past few months I have gone from Seinfeld, to the Office, to Entourage, to West Wing, to Archer, to House, back to Seinfeld, back to Entourage, to Curb, to Studio 60, and finally to Modern Family.
I will tell myself to will stop, but it never happens. I have read a few books since being here, but they have come between relapses. And that’s what it is…relapse. In order to get off “TV” I think it needs to be treated like a drug. It needs to be removed from one’s life entirely for weeks, until one no longer misses it. I see this as the only way out, and I can say with full confidence that I ain’t doing it.
If there is one thing I need here in India it is a quick and easy way to pass the time, and there is nothing better to do that than a TV show marathon. I also believe movie series can fall into this category, in a day and a half I watched all the “Lord of the Rings” and desperately wished there was more. If I had all the Harry Potter’s I’d have watched them as well, and same goes for Star Wars as well.
It is the great addiction of the 21st century. Why do you think Hulu and Netflix are so popular? Sure people use them to watch movies, but more and more people are watching TV shows. They will order season 3 of Friends on Netflix, and stream season 5 of Family Guy on Hulu while they wait.
It is a sad, harsh fact, but TV is addicting, and I would inject Season 2 of 30 Rock right in my veins if I could.
Today’s lesson,
Try and watch just one episode during a NCIS marathon…I dare you.
You’re Welcome,
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