Thursday, February 3, 2011

Late nights, cheap food, and a cow.

Let me detail the past three days, starting at the most natural place…the middle.  The reason; the days are starting to blur together, so the past two mornings are hard to recollect. 

On Tuesday I can really only remember one meaningful thing I was a part of, and that was a video-conference with the woman who heads all of India…the end.  Also I got home really late that night because my transport arrived half an hour later than it was supposed to.  I can’t remember for the life of me why I had to stay late, which must mean it was really important.  My boss did buy me dinner however, so it was worth it.  I must also say that I very much enjoy the way my boss can go from formal to informal.  If something needs to be done, he is serious and focused, but when we’re eating or just chatting he becomes very sociable and humorous.  I hope my future bosses and America are the same way, but I won’t hold my breath.

Last night I also had to stay late, but for reasons I can recall…yay!  I was sitting in on a conference call with a global VP, which ran until about nine o’clock.  On this call we went over the previous quarter and the months to come.  I can say in all honestly that of the 40+ slides he used in his presentation, probably six contained information that was relevant, which I hadn’t heard before.  After that I got an egg sandwich while I waited for my transport.  I am going to digress for a moment and tell you about this sandwich. 
It is three layers of bread, lightly buttered, with hard-boiled egg, vegetables, and some kind of mild spice.  It is toasted and pressed, similar to a Panini.  I pay the equivalent of 50 cents for this thing, and I would gladly pay the 4 or 5 dollars such a creation would cost back in Boston. 
While on the subject of food, there is also a smoothie place in our food court.  They sell a fruit bowl there, chalk full of various fresh fruit for 75 cents.  It tastes great and you wouldn’t be able to find something I like it in Boston for 5 times the prices.
What did I do the rest of the day?  I honestly couldn’t tell you…once again, the days are starting to blur.

Today was a bit more interesting however.  It started slow, but I eventually was given a job that will actually have a lasting impact on my department.  My job was to put together a template with graph’s, whose data automatically adjusts with the information in tables in corresponding worksheets.  Sound nerdy?  You bet!  I also had to update information in various tabled and make sure all the data was accurate and complete.
My job is, essentially, to aid in the overseeing of all the accounts my company works with.  So basically I, who have been here for about three weeks, help make sure that other employees, who have been here for years, are doing their jobs right.
The work I did today will help streamline the process in the future and, even though a monkey trained in excel could I have done just as well, I am proud of it.

Oh yeah, saw a cow this morning, while I waited an hour and a half for my transport! >:(… it was really cute. 

Today’s lesson, enjoy cheap food while you can.

You’re welcome,


1 comment:

  1. Well it sounds like you are having a little fun while learning and seeing a good deal. Love MOM
