Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My First Real Day

I was stressed and in a panic because an file I was working on got deleted.  I had spent most of the day banging my head against the desk trying to figure out which numbers I was supposed to graph, and wondering why it looked terrible.  I had to redo all of my work.  I think that when redoing things we always find that the work we had been stressing about so much, really isn’t that friggin hard.  After I spent some time redoing the work I spent way too much time on, I sent it to my boss.  It turned out that nothing I was doing was actually correct.  Instead of make a graph and analyze the data, I simply had to design a template, by which to present the graph and its analysis.  This would be all well and good, except i don't know how to do that.  To clarify, I can design templates, just not on MS Office software that’s 6 years old.  That’s like and octogenarian in computer years.  I ended up putting some default graphs and text boxes on word, and called it a job well done. 

For the first part of my day I was in an orientation, during which I learned more about the company, not very thrilling, but what orientation ever is.  The rest of the day though was spent reading 10 articles my boss sent to me.  He wanted my input as to whether they would be of value to the other managers.  I decided, rather than just say yes or no, to give a detailed outline of how I thought each article related to and could benefit the company.  What ended up happening was, me coming up with an idea, which would pretty much completely change the way, in which the company functions.  I think the idea would revolutionize the corporate culture, but some may be a little hesitant about it, as it’s coming from an intern.  I ended up staying late so I could finish my article reviews and refine my ideas, I'm happy I finally had something at work to be excited about.
After I got back from work my roommate told me that our electricity had been cut off, for failure to pay a bill, which we never received.  He got them to turn the power back on, and we’re paying them tomorrow.  Not too conventional to be asked to pay a bill you never received, but then again we’re just dumb Americans, what do we know about bills.

Today’s lesson, update your Microsoft Office,

You’re welcome,


*As a note blogger is having problems.  This may make the font, spacing and coloring different then they should be.  Got a problem with that? Get over it ya bum...no disrespect, all due respect, forgetaboutithowyoudoin.

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