Friday, February 11, 2011

A New Direction and a Good Day

Today...was a good day.

First you need some background.  Yesterday I had a decent amount of downtime in my day.  I spent this time reading about IBM and its new projects and initiatives.  One article I read got me to thinking.  My thinking turned to writing.  In the end I wrote 2000 words about how my idea could change and benefit the company for the future.  No details because well...internet, I don't trust you.  Anyways, I condensed my writing to one page and sent an email to my team asking them to give me feedback.  My boss sent me an email this morning saying how he loved it, and liked how I thought about the different applications for it, and it really made me feel good.

Background complete.

My day started with working on a project my boss had given to me last night.  In this project I pretty much compared the cost of doing business here in India, to that of our other locations around the world.  I made a spreadsheet of the dollar amounts, along with a corresponding table to show the amounts as a percentage of the India costs.  Sounds fun right? was.  It was fun because it wasn't mundane, and it actually took thought.  After charting the data, I had to interpret it.  All I'm gonna say to that regard is that we Americans are way overpaid.

Entering, organizing, formatting, and interpreting this information took me most of the day.  Not long after lunch however I was called in to a weekly meeting.  In this meeting my team reviews with the other teams as to what their status is, and any issues they may have.  These meetings are fairly long and boring.  Afterwards however my boss asked me to stay, for another meeting.  This meeting ended up being with the communications team.  My boss's boss, the head of the dept., whom I also report to, introduced me to the team, and told me about what they do.  He followed that up with saying that he wanted me to start working with them on certain things because he really liked my writing in the essay I talked about in the background.  I felt very pleased about this, I would be able to come up with ideas and write things that would be emailed to thousands of employees.  At the very least it keeps me from doing repetitive work.  At this point, my job is getting better by the day and my options are only limited by my effort.

Today's lesson, write your own story.

You're Welcome,


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