Saturday, January 29, 2011

Apparently I'm Important

On Thursday morning I received a call from my boss to report to the training room on the third floor upon my arrival.  I figured that I would be there to receive some training, as it is a training room and all.  When I opened the door, I walked in on a meeting/ presentation/ conference call involving all of the account managers and department heads in the office.  On the phone were the managers and department heads from the rest of the global offices, as well as several vp’s.  All in all the meeting included well over a hundred people whom, in affect run the division of the company I work in.  There were people from America, Europe, China, and even Australia on the call.  Then there was me, a sophomore intern from Boston, who’s working in India, that’s been on the job a week.  This was a bit of a surreal moment for me because I realized right then and there what my internship was about.  I don’t believe I am here just to be a contributing member of a team.  I don’t think I’m here just to learn the ropes.  I believe my position, is about grooming.

On Friday I sat in on another conference call.  This call was the weekly review of the status of every account managed at my office.  After this call my boss asked me just how confused I was.  He understood that I am being asked to listen to analysis and reviews, which involve terms and details that I am completely unfamiliar with.  I appreciated this, and asked some questions, clarifying some terms, and such, but I still sat there wondering just what it is I am expected to do.

At this point no one has told me what my job will be.  I have not even been given a general description of my role.  I’ve just been told that I will be involved in business operations.  From the best I can tell my job is to learn the way my company operates, so I can learn how to manage it.

Leaving that digression into my thoughts aside, the past two days have had some interesting events.  On Thursday my roommate made an incredibly good dinner consisting of chicken, peppers, green beans and rice, using only a microwave for cooking.  Perhaps my cancer risk has gone up, but it tasted pretty damn good so I don't mind.  Yesterday on the way to work I saw three cows hanging out in the median on a busy road.  It is very poetic the way they get to roam the dangerous, congested streets carefree.  When I got to work the first half of my day was spent with a guy from the IT dept. trying to fix an issue, which was never actually solved.  When I was waiting in the company transport to go home, a guy walked by all of the cars with a device in his hand that sprayed some type of what I believe to be pesticide on every truck.  I forgot to thank him, and say that I appreciated the advanced warning. 

Today’s lesson, cows are poetic,

You’re welcome,

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