Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The beginning: Plan ahead

I'm not going to tell you who I'm interning with.  I'm not that stupid.  Most anyone reading this knows, anyways.  What I will tell you is what I do, what I notice, and what I think during my time spent there.  At 5:30 this evening I will be boarding a flight for a full day journey to the other side of the world.  On this trip my ass is gonna get burned, sick, harassed, sad, lonely, and maybe even robbed, but I can't wait.

To start, I am a pale, spoiled kid from New England.  All I know of diversity is that it was an old, old wooden ship used during the civil war era.  Thank you, to anyone who got that quote btw.  I am spending six months in Bangalore India, working for an American company, ironic? Yes.  My internship in India kinda fell in my lap.  This left me with little time to arrange my documents, flights, immunizations and such.  It's the morning before I fly and only today did I get my Visa stamped, and my immunizations done, how's that for a good start?  The process leading to this point has been about as un-ideal as possible.  I had to locate dozens, not several, dozens, like about 40 different documents to get my offer letter and visa.  Also, most of my work had to be done between the hours of 11pm and 7am, if I wanted it to be processed in the same day.  At one point, I had to call my former home town to locate my elementary school records, why the hell does anyone care what my math grade was when I was 10?  In the past 48 hours I have been to and from NYC twice, which takes at least 4hrs each way, that's 16 hrs.  During which I slept on the bus and train, because I had stuff to do during the night to arrange my visa, and travel shots.  Now that I'm all set though, I get to look forward to my 24hr flight in coach.

Today's lesson, Plan ahead, be prepared.

You're welcome,


*edit on 01/19

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