Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A long day

For the first time since I’ve been here, the company transport was on time to pick me up.  The weather was beautiful, I could see puppies playing and there wasn’t even much traffic.  It was a great start to a day; and that was sought to rather quickly. 

Today was the day for me to pick up my laptop.  I was excited, having a laptop meant I could start doing real work.  Little did I know the price I would have to pay to get one.  That price was in time, patience and shear sanity.

10:55 - I arrive at my main office.  I realize I’ve forgotten my temporary ID...crap  
10:56 - I star walking to the transport lot to catch the 11am shuttle to the office that has my laptop.
10:58 - I arrive at the lot, look around, no shuttle.
11:00 - I ask a driver if he knows where the shuttle is, he responds “Hindi, no English.” …crap…again.
11:05 - I find a transport manager, who tell me the shuttle left at 11…crap…yet again.
11:06 - Transport manager says the next shuttle will be at 11:30…no wait 12:00.
11:07 - I go to the food court to get some tea and relax.
11:25 - I contemplate going to the lot, just in case the shuttle is at 11:30.
11:26 - I go to the bathroom instead.
11:45 - I go to the lot, and double check that the transport will be arriving at noon.
11:46 - New manager on duty says it won’t be until 12:30…ugh.
11:50 - I ask another manager, and he says not until 1…where’s a gun.
11:51 - I try to straighten out the times; I get nowhere.
11:55 - I go to the transport office to clarify the time for the shuttle…it’s 1:00
11:56 - I tell my manager why I looked stress, he brings me to the transport control office, yes there are two separate transport offices, don’t ask me why.
11:57 - The higher up workers with clearer English, tell me very clearly that the next shuttle is at noon, and that they will call the manager at the lot so it will wait for me.
11:59 - I get back down to the lot.
1:00 - I board the shuttle…yeah that’s right 1 o’clock.  Oh and I sat in the back, where only people under 5’ 8” can be comfortable…I’m 6’ 2”.
2:00 - I arrive to pickup my laptop.
2:30 - I buy an omelet for 30 cents for lunch; it tastes great.
2:55 - I get down to the transport lot at this office.  The trucks are all set to leave for 3.  I ask the manager where the shuttle is, he responds, “shuttle at 3:40.”…ugh…again
3:15 - I buy an Ice cream back at the cafeteria for 75 cents…pretty sure I got ripped off.
3:30 - Bought a roll of bread for a quarter.  I was unaware it was stuffed with some vegetables…it was surprisingly delightful.
3:40 - Board the shuttle back to the main office.
4:50 - Arrive back at my desk at the main office, where my boss tells me to wait for my other boss, so he can help me setup my laptop.
5:30 - My other boss arrives and has me go to the IT room.  A nice guy helps me.  My configuration is wrong; the conversation will take half an hour.
5:45 - I wait.
5:55 - My boss invites me to sit in on a conference call with a couple of global VP’s.
6:15 - I am dragged away by the IT guy to setup my email
6:30 - Email is setup, but IM can’t be.
7:00 - Check email, and talk with my boss.
7:30 - Leave for the day.

It’s an Indian holiday tomorrow, so no work...thank god.

Today's lesson, drive your own car, be shorter and know how much Ice cream should cost in India.

You're welcome,


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