Monday, January 24, 2011


I was going to give you a summary of my weekend, but not anymore. 
I was going to tell you how my day went today, but not anymore.

I saw something today that I can say, for the first time, truly scarred me.  I was in a company transport vehicle, on my way home.  We were stopped at an intersection.  I have gotten used to seeing beggars at the crowded intersections.  They go from car to car, asking for change.  I have only seen women out there so far.  Today I saw a woman carrying a baby.  I felt more upset that she brought a child into such poverty, than at her plight itself.  It was sad, but that’s not what I wanted to talk about.  I noticed that a few cars ahead of me, was a boy.  He was also going from car to car.  He had an unusual walk.  He seemed to waddle, trying not to bend his knees as he moved; I soon realized why.  As he got closer, I noticed that this boy was literally skin and bones, not scrawny, not weak; bones layered with skin.   He waddled, because he didn’t have the strength to pick up and bend his knees.  At five foot four, I can’t imagine this boy was more than 50 or 60 pounds, probably less.  In America I’ve seen poverty, but I have never seen such extreme hunger.  I could barely breathe, because I felt that that child would live or die depending on whether people would give him change, or not.  I was on the verge of crying, watching this boy walk by our car, tapping on the window, begging for change.

If you find it hard to appreciate what you have, let me give you a tour around Bangalore, see if that doesn’t knock you on your ass.

Today’s lesson, be thankful.

You’re welcome,



  1. I am thankful that you were given this opportunity to see the world in a new way.

  2. Oops. This is mom on Liz's computer.
